Tuesday, January 29, 2008

SundaY Fun

Sunday morning we got another famous "Reno" snowstrom...that is...it starts to dump early in the morning and people get scared (thus cancel church) then the Sun comes out and it melts pretty fast. Well, when I got home from work it was still a blizzard outside, so I called my neighboor Laurie to see if our ward was canceled....and yup it was (who ever said God doesn't answer prayer.) hehehehehe Seeing how I was all geared up to play in the snow (gortex boots and multiple layers from work) Laurie and I decided to shovel everyones drivway (in the Universtiy Villlage). After we finished shoveling we decided that we should build the worlds largest snowman...and we tried really hard to make it huge but our large snowman ball broke twice...so we settled (or Laurie strognely suggest) for a lame mediocre snowlady with buns. ohh well, at least if was fun!

Laurie and the lame lady of the snow

This is the truck that killed one of our large snow balls!


  1. I totally have the same fedex jacket, we could be twinners. I am a big fan of the snowlady, you should have made her a snowfedexdriver. That would have been sweet. Do you get the fedex pants too? I love how high the waist is on those things, one could almost go bra-less.

    ps the word verifcation I am asked to give is: ooirtgidshafg. Really now, doesn't that just seem a little excessive, and not even close to an actual word?

  2. Gotta love the snow. I see what you get, and know it is heading our way!
